By author > Marc Maury

Counterfeit market mechanisms and product flows
Maury Marc  1, *@  
1 : Marc Maury
Unither Pharmaceutical
* : Corresponding author

Falsified medicines have been a serious scourge for many years. This problem in France and even in Europe has long been underestimated because of strong regulatory control over the entire drug supply chain.

Unfortunately, attracted by the significant and low risk financial gains, the fertile imagination of counterfeiters now allows them to infiltrate the entire pharmaceutical market. Record seizures now occur in all countries and even in France.

It is becoming important for manufacturers, authorities and consumers to become aware of this scourge in order to combat this public health problem as effectively as possible.

Indeed the use of counterfeit medicine is never of adequate quality and induces at least a risk of lack of treatment and at worst the appearance of bacterial resistance (antibiotic under dosing, ineffective vaccine ...) or the use of toxic component as for example road paint to film drugs ....

The new distribution channel for counterfeit medicines uses the internet. By this channel 50% of the products sold are fake.

There are many means implemented by the authorities and by industry to fight against these counterfeits. The presentation will provide an overview of existing methods to fight against counterfeits.

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